The Pinnacle of Precision
Gretna uses Key Performance Indicators to monitor individual and company performance, ensuring operational efficiency. Below are some of our key differentiators:

ERP Barcoding
Because Gretna handles jobs that are “made to order” based on our customers’ drawings, our work is always changing. We rely on our ERP barcoding and manufacturing software to manage this constant change efficiently and effectively. The software handles all aspects of our manufacturing process: from quoting and order processing, to material purchasing and scheduling, all the way to production, quality assurance, and shipping. This powerful, yet flexible ERP system tracks the progress of our customers’ orders, offering up-to-date status reports and ensuring on-time delivery (OTD).

Quality Management System
Gretna implements and maintains a Total Quality Management (TQM) system to ensure we are consistently providing products according to the requirements of our customers, regardless of their industry. Our TQM system forces us to always ask ourselves “How can we do this better?” Because we strive for this continuous improvement, we are always searching to find ways to reinvest our earnings into the company so that we can stay competitive in terms of price, quality and OTD.

Safe and Clean Environment
Gretna recognizes that employees thrive in a safe and clean environment. Therefore, we have established an employee-run Health and Safety Committee, which meets regularly to discuss, resolve, and train other employees on best practices related to health, safety and environmental issues.

A Strong Workforce
At Gretna, employees are treated like family—and we understand that some of the best ideas come from them. Employees are incentivized each time they suggest a new and innovative solution that improves safety, efficiency or productivity within the company. Working at Gretna, is more than just a job—it’s a career. In order to retain talent, Gretna prides itself on being able to provide competitive pay, along with 100 percent employee health care coverage, vision, dental, 401(k), life insurance, educational reimbursement, paid vacation, and other great benefits.